Quote of the moment

When you stumble, make it part of the dance

'Wisdom is knowing i am nothing, Love is knowing i am everything, and between the two my life moves' - Nisargadatta

July 14, 2010

...Bon Appetite !!!

I am starting a new phase today or rather a shift in my life.
It is pretty important to me that i work this one out for myself.

But more i think of it, more i am getting nervous and doubtful about how i am going to get through this and handle myself.

And then i try to think of Julia Child.

She was so much larger than life (even literally, 6, 2'), of not just being passionate about her husband, eating and cooking, which came very late in life (point to note, common factor between her and me). It was not until her mid 30s that she decided to master the art of French cuisine. Despite many years of rejection, with her never-give-up attitude, she managed to publish her first cookbook. She later appeared in hew own TV series, at the age of 51.

I'm deeply enchanted by Meryl Streep's portrayal of Julia in the movie (Julie & Julia, decided to watch it once every year). I have also watched couple of Julia child's videos and found her being extremely passionate about living, being alive and in joy and unafraid and so many other things, which is inspirational, in a more than one way for me.

So here I am, going to achieve that level of perfection and do whatever it takes for this to work for me .
If for some reason, it doesn't... I will remember what Julia said,
"Perfection. And even if it isn't, never apologize. No excuses! No explanations"

So, with her confident persona in my mind, here's wishing myself...


Kp said...

This is the spark to light up your passion.. dream of your life. Am sure you'll give your best. You must do good, undoubtedly. Go on.. Best wishes Gino!! :)

Gino Abinash said...

Thanks for the encouragement. You know that i need that... :)