Quote of the moment

When you stumble, make it part of the dance

'Wisdom is knowing i am nothing, Love is knowing i am everything, and between the two my life moves' - Nisargadatta

July 19, 2010

.. You're Smart!!!

I had a small assessment of sorts today on Multiple Intelligence. It based on Howard Gardner's work around multiple intelligences and i came to understand what a wonderful combination of intelligences i have.
Now this should seem strange because i am considered to be a dumb person on most occasions, which has affected my self-esteem in the past.
Anyways, the results were super cool as far as i was concerned.

I have a strong Linguistic Intelligence.
Next comes Inter-personal intelligence.
And along with Intra-Personal Intelligence.
I also have a Naturalistic intelligence.

And so now on, i will not wonder why i get the want to attend story-telling workshops and go for tree-walks and love being a vegetarian. Coz thats what my mind tilts towards effortlessly. And when i am doing all these things, i am in harmony with myself.

Why-o-why dont we have this sort of assessment back in our schools/colleges?
Why do so many children have to struggle through their education without being taught in the manner which their own intelligence understands.
With the so out-of-sync education system, i, sorry we, suffer the brunt.

Most importantly, now that i know, what am i gonna do about it.
Thats all that should matter..

I would like everyone who comes across this blog to try and find yours and your child's intelligences. This will help immensely to learn as well as try teaching them using that intelligence.

I found a couple of online assessments, though cant validate for their authenticity.
However, this can be a start to get familiar with the concept.
What's your learning style

A basic assessment
Interactive Multiple Intelligence Test

Learn more about Multiple Intelligences, use it and to quote Howard Gardner "It's Not How Smart You Are, It's How...

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