Quote of the moment

When you stumble, make it part of the dance

'Wisdom is knowing i am nothing, Love is knowing i am everything, and between the two my life moves' - Nisargadatta

September 20, 2006

To kill a mockingbird….

Some people are kind and would never harm anyone, like a mockingbird.....

Scout's father, Atticus, tells Scout and Jem, "I'd rather you shoot at tin cans in the backyard, but I know you'll go after birds. Shoot all the blue jays you want, if you can hit'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird."

One should never kill a mockingbird because all it does is sing beautiful songs and never hurts anyone.....

I envy those who are being held on.... no matter what….
Those who are being given the freedom and space…..
And feel sad that they don’t understand…. that not everyone is blessed like them….
I suppose they should learn it the hard way.. They dunno the immense pain they cause… by their contradictions.. I can see the pain in the eyes I see…..
But I also feel scared that this is not the right solution… coz it might be inviting only more pain….
What I could never understand is… if they didn’t need it for eternity.. why did they mock to experience true infinity …
I try not to forget… It is a sin to dislike someone based on what others say about them… You can never understand a person unless you have been in that person’s shoes..
And its wrong to assume evil things about another person without understanding their feelings…. Thats why they say its is a sin to kill a mockingbird….


I LISTEN…. to them…
All of them… whom I admire very much…
Strange how they seem to have everythin…. But all that matters to them is ….
Stranger, how all of them are in pain for…. the same reason…
The reason I understand so well…
Alas… I am not able to heal them……
It’s the same puzzle…. But they all seem to have different blocks ..
They all want it to fit anyway.. and somehow it jus doesn’t…
They feel drained… dead… killed…
And why don’t the others understand..
that it’s a sin.... to kill a mockingbird….


LeeB said...

It is a terrible sin to kill a mocking bird...

But what should one do... when you dont know if you are killing one...

All that you wanted to do...
was to set it free...
and it fell...
unable to fly...
not knowing what to do...
not knowing how to die...

Ramanathan Shanmugam said...

Really Gud one gino..... I am starting to wonder why you havent considered psychology as your prime subject.....

By the time you are 40... with all this experience I think you will become a wonderful author with lots of fans.....