Quote of the moment

When you stumble, make it part of the dance

'Wisdom is knowing i am nothing, Love is knowing i am everything, and between the two my life moves' - Nisargadatta

November 2, 2007


My ill at ease feelings of speaking on the phone is becoming my bane as i realise the number of my long distance relationships seem to be increasing... Though i enjoy my reclusivenesses... i fear i am savoring it more than i should..

And in time comes a friendly reminder

Then again, WHY do i fear???

These feelings are bound to go away sometime.. coz "they" say ... "Nothing lasts forever......"

So.... to last forever i guess i have to be ...


Anonymous said...

This will all come to pass..just a phase, just a stage..to make you wiser..to grow you up. Thumbs up, Gino! :)

Like a child picking up every curious shell on the sea-shore, we muse over these little things..it will all be forgotten soon as the child grows..

Gino Abinash said...

Thanks Merry Melody... for hoping along with me that "This too will pass".... I also hope this stage in my life makes me wiser and stronger...
But the one thing i dont hope for is the child (which i had long forgotton existed within me) to grow up... I am nuturing it to enjoy itself.. :)

Anonymous said...

It is inevitable..Gino. Spring has to give way to summer, autumn..
There is nothing bad about it..growth is about becoming wiser..becoming mature..which are all laws of nature! Stand against and you will be a misfit with things around.. You need to be the fittest to survive.. :)

Not arguing..just sharing thoughts, ok?

Gino Abinash said...

Well.. I agree with you that one needs to be the fittest to survive..

You say.. "Stand against and you will be a misfit with things around"..

What if one is already is a misfit.. and now only trying to blend into everything possible... Making choices just to fit in... not because one wants to.. but only to survive along with the others.. i aint feeling bad about it.. Only that sometimes others question whether this isnt hypocrisy...

And thank YOU, for sharing your thoughts :)

Anonymous said...

Hmm.. I would say, I understand it then! I would again go back to my original words that it will all pass by. You are not losing your identity by blending. Its just a sub-conscious harmless adaptation..self-defense..for the time bring :)

Shelley M. House said...

It seems we share a similar struggle. I am an introvert, I enjoy being alone, and I am uncomfortable on the phone. I am trying to accept this about myself. Rather than fight against it, I try to work with it, or sometimes around it. I reach out to people through my art. And it is a wonderful feeling when I make that connection. Like with my piece Hold me close, Keep me warm. Thank you so much for sharing your feelings here on your blog.

I read an affirmation recently-- "I send love to my fears. My fears are the places within me that await my love." I think instead of struggling against who we are, we need to honor where we are today.

Oh my...the internet makes it easier to be chatty with strangers :). I hope my thoughts help you as they help me.

Gino Abinash said...

Dear Shelly,

Thank you for understanding me and giving me confidence to respect myself inspite of the fears within…

I don’t remember how I chanced upon your drawings…. But I do remember that I instantly felt it was simply“B E A utiful”.. Though you seem to capture the “seemingly” mundane moments which occur during the normal course of our daily lives.. your drawings, the colours, the poems, your passion filled thoughts, weave a kind of magic that makes your art absolutely special… and as I have subscribed for “Art by Shelley” updates through email, Trust me when I say, I experience a rare kind of joy everytime I look at your piece of art…

And I also connected to you more so when I read this in your web page “My children are my greatest challenge, and my greatest inspiration.”.. I don’t have any children of my own, but I adore kids like nothing else in this world.. And so here lots of warm hugs to your little ones.. Thanks once again for sharing your thoughts.. Take care, Shelley..