My ill at ease feelings of speaking on the phone is becoming my bane as i realise the number of my long distance relationships seem to be increasing... Though i enjoy my reclusivenesses... i fear i am savoring it more than i should..
And in time comes a friendly reminder

Then again, WHY do i fear???
These feelings are bound to go away sometime.. coz
"they" say ... "Nothing lasts forever......"
So.... to last forever i guess i have to be ...
This will all come to pass..just a phase, just a make you grow you up. Thumbs up, Gino! :)
Like a child picking up every curious shell on the sea-shore, we muse over these little will all be forgotten soon as the child grows..
Thanks Merry Melody... for hoping along with me that "This too will pass".... I also hope this stage in my life makes me wiser and stronger...
But the one thing i dont hope for is the child (which i had long forgotton existed within me) to grow up... I am nuturing it to enjoy itself.. :)
It is inevitable..Gino. Spring has to give way to summer, autumn..
There is nothing bad about it..growth is about becoming wiser..becoming mature..which are all laws of nature! Stand against and you will be a misfit with things around.. You need to be the fittest to survive.. :)
Not arguing..just sharing thoughts, ok?
Well.. I agree with you that one needs to be the fittest to survive..
You say.. "Stand against and you will be a misfit with things around"..
What if one is already is a misfit.. and now only trying to blend into everything possible... Making choices just to fit in... not because one wants to.. but only to survive along with the others.. i aint feeling bad about it.. Only that sometimes others question whether this isnt hypocrisy...
And thank YOU, for sharing your thoughts :)
Hmm.. I would say, I understand it then! I would again go back to my original words that it will all pass by. You are not losing your identity by blending. Its just a sub-conscious harmless adaptation..self-defense..for the time bring :)
It seems we share a similar struggle. I am an introvert, I enjoy being alone, and I am uncomfortable on the phone. I am trying to accept this about myself. Rather than fight against it, I try to work with it, or sometimes around it. I reach out to people through my art. And it is a wonderful feeling when I make that connection. Like with my piece Hold me close, Keep me warm. Thank you so much for sharing your feelings here on your blog.
I read an affirmation recently-- "I send love to my fears. My fears are the places within me that await my love." I think instead of struggling against who we are, we need to honor where we are today.
Oh my...the internet makes it easier to be chatty with strangers :). I hope my thoughts help you as they help me.
Dear Shelly,
Thank you for understanding me and giving me confidence to respect myself inspite of the fears within…
I don’t remember how I chanced upon your drawings…. But I do remember that I instantly felt it was simply“B E A utiful”.. Though you seem to capture the “seemingly” mundane moments which occur during the normal course of our daily lives.. your drawings, the colours, the poems, your passion filled thoughts, weave a kind of magic that makes your art absolutely special… and as I have subscribed for “Art by Shelley” updates through email, Trust me when I say, I experience a rare kind of joy everytime I look at your piece of art…
And I also connected to you more so when I read this in your web page “My children are my greatest challenge, and my greatest inspiration.”.. I don’t have any children of my own, but I adore kids like nothing else in this world.. And so here lots of warm hugs to your little ones.. Thanks once again for sharing your thoughts.. Take care, Shelley..
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