Quote of the moment

When you stumble, make it part of the dance

'Wisdom is knowing i am nothing, Love is knowing i am everything, and between the two my life moves' - Nisargadatta

April 9, 2011

stay away

This blog which was a long time due in pending to be posted.. so here it is.. for those who think you are funny and we are sensitive, stay away coz i know what 'funny' means better than you..

Paulo Coelho spoke about the power of the word in (Brida)

God reveals himself in everything,
but the word is one of his favorite ways of taking action,
because the word is thought transformed into vibration.
The word has greater power than many rituals.

The power of word is such that by the words you speak out of your mouth, you send out your vibrations to everyone around you. People feel "you" by your words (most of the times). However some people misuse this power and send out unhealthy vibrations consistently hurting those around and in the long run, themselves.

A friend of mine once told me about a movie the friend saw. The friend said the script was bad, the story was too mushy too believe, the concept was the usual, blah blah, and then this friend ended saying.. “but you know what, you will like the movie.. its your type of movie..”

I was dumbstruck by the unassuming manner in which I was told I had a bad taste.

On another discussion i was told, kids need fear to learn coz thats the only thing they know. So you if you wanna be in control, you gotta use the stick.
Gimme a break, your lack of creativity to handle a kid doesnt give you the right to abuse the kid, even if its yours (anyways, thats content for another post)

However instead of saying how rude that sounded, I just smiled. And that I think was a huge error. Coz later on, i observed, unfortunately, on many other occasions, this friend spoke in the similar manner and tone to all around.

But why do they do what they do.. try to indulge in such cynical comments or cutting remarks.

Gretchen Rubin, author of “The Happiness Project” put a prayer attributed to St. Augustine of Hippo which includes the line, "Shield your joyous ones" -

Tend your sick ones, O Lord Jesus Christ;
rest your weary ones; bless your dying ones;
soothe your suffering ones;
pity your afflicted ones;
shield your joyous ones.
And all for your love’s sake.

Gretchin tries to make the readers understand why the joyous ones needed to be shielded. In her attempt at happiness she figures how much effort it takes to be consistently good-tempered and positive. And she realizes how less people appreciate others happiness and just try to make them feel unworthy.

She says “We non-joyous types suck energy and cheer from the joyous ones. We rely on them to buoy us with their good spirit and to cushion our agitation and anxiety.
At the same time, because of a dark element in human nature, we’re sometimes provoked to try to shake the joyous ones out of their fog of illusion—to make them see that the play was actually stupid, the money was wasted, the meeting was pointless. Instead of shielding their joy, we blast it. Why is this? I have no idea. But that impulse is there"

That impulse.. that impulse becomes a behavior because you feel stronger when you abuse, and those who don’t have self belief would try to feel stronger by provoking others and bullying them with their words. And, to add insult to injury, if they were ridiculed, they would turn all teary eyed..

I recently met a couple of other women who say sharp remarks and try to belittle others. I found that many tackle such people by “AVOIDING them.”
I mean, why would you be around people who have nothing better than mock your intrinsic personality and beliefs? We all have different ideologies, dammit. so keep your prejudicial view points to yourself. However there will still be people around you.. Those are the ones who either share the same mindset as you do or who are in awe of you. Those who don’t share your views and don’t think you are worth the words you speak, will, well, try to stay away.

Viktor E. Frankl in his book "Man's Search for Meaning" states his experiences as a concentration camp inmate and describes his psychotherapeutic method of finding a reason to live. I love his statement wherein he says
Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

So if one chooses to grow (along with other people) then one should always be aware and choose ones response or else…

1 comment:

Kp said...

"we’re sometimes provoked to try to shake the joyous ones out of their fog of illusion—to make them see that the play was actually stupid, the money was wasted, the meeting was pointless. Instead of shielding their joy, we blast it. Why is this? I have no idea. But that impulse is there"
- Was able to relate this post a lot.It should feel heartwarming to see others happy. If it is otherwise, i feel they are just jealous!! My happiness doubles when i share it with you... You are the apt person to pen down about this, I have seen you always making others feel elated about themselves.