Quote of the moment

When you stumble, make it part of the dance

'Wisdom is knowing i am nothing, Love is knowing i am everything, and between the two my life moves' - Nisargadatta

July 21, 2008


How much ever liberal (and all its synonyms) I think I am… I realize that my inhibitions are not letting me go beyond what I can… No one can help me to go through this, except myself.. and the understanding of this responsibility to discipline myself gives me more fears than ever…

When I used to be scared of something, and went to him for counsel.. he would ask,

“is it a want or is it a need to do this thing… if it’s a want, you can do without it, and

if it’s a need, you will do it anyways.. so whats the fear… "

Now all I have to make myself understand is, it’s a…

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