Quote of the moment

When you stumble, make it part of the dance

'Wisdom is knowing i am nothing, Love is knowing i am everything, and between the two my life moves' - Nisargadatta

November 6, 2007

Some times....

Shelly drew this... which reminded of many things.. And she says "Don’t we all want someone to hold us, to nurture us, protect us? I understand this need so much more deeply now that I have children"

I am nearly finished with reading "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus". Apart from the generalisations mentioned, i found it interesting to read the "not-so-obvious" but apparent differences between the two...

One of them being, when in pain or anger, while a man prefers solitude...a woman likes to be hugged ... [Disclaimer : this is just the author's observation]

The power of a warm hug is something i came to comprehend quite late in my life... Many a times when the pain of the other person is something which i couldnt share in any way.. i used to feel very helpless and frustrated... and when i asked a friend what do i do when i dont know what to say or comfort, i was told.. give a hug... and it worked.. i felt better and comforted that i did the least i could do for the other person...

But still sometimes, i find myself holding back from giving a hug though i could have... and sometimes even i feel the need to be held close and to sleep off...

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