I had read that it takes 21 days to build or break a habit.... So... me decided to blog whatever me felt like thinking aloud ... and surprise , surprise… I enjoyed the process… of letting it out… thoughts, quotes, pics and puns.. (intended ones) … and to top it all.. I created another blog too….(LOL) and now.. its become a bad habit… coz even though my eyes are burninig right now.. I am getting this itch to blog…..
Did they say it takes 21 days to break a habit….. hmmmmm……..
Why do you want to break this habit?
I started to blog regularly to find out if i build this habit... now i "know" i can.. So that's about it...
And me doesnt intend to stop blogging completely.. will blog here once in a while... like you do... once in a while....
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