Quote of the moment

When you stumble, make it part of the dance

'Wisdom is knowing i am nothing, Love is knowing i am everything, and between the two my life moves' - Nisargadatta

August 19, 2007

Looking up for nizhal....

This the second time i went for a "Tree walk" organized by Nizhal... I found it enchanting to be informed about an organization in Chennai called Nizhal, which dealt with spreading awareness about Trees. All they need is, a place with a variety of plants and trees, a specialist on the subject and a group of keen eco friendly people... The place chosen this weekend was the Government Museum in Egmore, Chennai... Mrs Pushpa, who is the botanist curator of the musuem (for the last 27 years) was kind enough to spend her time and knowledge with us...... There were trees with medicinal value, economical value and for ornamental purposes. Some cured depression , tooth ache and arthritis.. while others helped absorb the sound and dust around us... We were requested to plant more and more trees around , to help us breathe fresh and clean air.... and not to only plant saplings, but to also take good care of them....

The museum was also interesting enough to have a look at the artefacts of various periods and find how our language and civilizations have developed over the years... Since i had my own personal guide, a dear friend, to tell me about the gods, goddesses, civilzations, and anecdotes in mythology, the trip into the museum was worthwhile...

Most of all, its a really ethereal and B E A utiful feeling i found, looking upwards into the sky while taking this photo and watching mother nature provide nizhal (shade) to us....

Click on the image to see glimpses of the different trees discussed during the walk......

Also click on the image below to find an article in The Hindu...

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